2004 08, Nevada



Photo Travel

2004 08 09 Smoke Creek Desert, Nevada

2004 08 11 Pyramid Lake

2004 08 13 Nightingale, Jessup

2004 08 17 Nightingale, Lake Winnemucca

2004 08 18 Picnic Table, Derby Dam

2004 08 19 Fallon to Tonopah

2004 08 20 Alkali, Goldfield, Goldpoint, Weather

2004 08 21 Belmont, Big Weather

2004 08 22 Belmont Courthouse

2004 08 23 Tonopah Airport, Coaldale









2004 08 11 Pyramid Lake

Today I went just one place, the east side of Pyramid Lake, near the actual rock formation that gives the lake it's name.  The drive is beautiful and it's actually quite a nice beach.  It is on the Paiute Indian Reservation, so you need a day use permit.  Not many people will drive this far to go to the beach, although there were a few people here. 

From a high point overlooking the beach, looking more or less southwest, and the "pyramid".

Same place, looking north.

Down on the beach, tufa.  You can tell that the lake was much higher in the past.

Looking north to the "Pinnacles" way in the distance.  The Pinnacles area is posted as closed, and I called the tribal office to see if I could get permission to go there and photograph.  I was turned down flat and told that the Tribal Council turns everyone down, but that if I wanted I could write and they would consider it at the next meeting.  I'll do that but I am not optimistic.  I was told that there was vandalism in the past.